wandering over daisys

Amazing table by Sara Joe

Ayita smiled as she looked at the girl. She settled herself into the grass she smiled laying there. "I would love to have you stay but you are also a free spirit I wont hold you down. But I'm still a mom of two pups and I'll mother you like my own because thats how I am." She said.

She would never force the girl into anything. "So Ever what would you like to do I could tell you a story or we could talk about the clouds in the sky." She always carried a pack on her in any form now and it held a story book she had gotten used to pulling it out. It was what she used to teach her daughter to read.

Ayita was still getting used to the mothering thing and she hoped that the girl would never take offense and if Ayita should ever do something she hoped that she would speak at and tell her to knock it off.


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