I'm no Superman

ooc: lol, no problem XD sorry for Cai's stupidity, in advance :3
WC: 345

In the midst of his astounding peril and confusion, something bizarre happened. The woman, who before had been lying statue-still in a pose best outlined by murder victims, now spoke. Biting back what indubitably would have been a far-too-shrill-to-sound-manly scream, Caillen nonetheless redoubled, slamming the door shut with a resounding CRASH.

Thusly shaken, he stood for a moment on the other side, listening to the rattling of unnerved air expand his lungs, the quick thumping of his heart. Okay, so dead woman appeared, rather liberally, to be not-so-dead. He could deal with that. Very bluntly, as if to move too slowly would hasten his nerves to flee once more, the slate and tan youth pushed the creaky door open once more. The woman remained where she had been last, and now that the terror had faded, the young man was gracious enough to feel guilty and shamed.

" Oh, I... Er... I'm sorry, I just thought..." I just thought you'd been brutally killed, that's all. Now that he was aware of her life-presence within the room, his shame turned quickly to curiosity, albeit tinged still with the hesitant wariness encumberment of a sudden shock. Peering at the downed lady, his sky-blue eyes noted the lackluster of her pelt, the pale phantomness of her coloring. And of course, that shock of vibrant blood-red hair had not helped to ease his qualms! Swallowing hastily, the polite fellow (for he'd been brought up with strict manners, and as such they came to him as a second nature) bowed daftly, and remained on the other side of the door's thresh-hold. It was not seemly to enter a lady's bedroom uninvited, regardless of her mysterious disposition.

Perhaps it was his curiosity that kept him standing there, rather than offering all manner of apologies and fleeing from whence he came, or perhaps it was the fact that something about this woman was intriguing right down to the bone; Regardless, Caillen remained where he stood, shuffling his weight from footpaw to footpaw uneasily.

" Are you... Are you alright, miss?"

Speak think walk

Table © James, courtesy of Hannah


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