I really haven't been in the mood to write lately, but I felt bad for making you always wait on me, so. D:

Slow day. Every day was considerably slow to Corona, but it wasn’t miserably so. For her, the days bled together, minutes into hours into days and weeks; if it weren’t for the visual and feel-able clues in the world, she probably wouldn’t have known day from night or the season. Time no longer mattered to her, for one reason or another. She had stopped counting days long ago, well before things had gone apart at the seams.

“I guess things deserve to have a little slowness to them now that we’re not under threat from a pack of hungry wolves,” she said, though not to discredit that Haku was still loose in the world. She knew there would be a calm, because there was always a calm. It was the natural cadence of the world. Sooner or later, their glass ceiling would come crashing down all over again. “Though I do wonder how long it will last. Dahlia’s been nothing but trouble since Gabriel brought Inferni here. I suppose it always will be trouble.” Still waters ran deep and between them it was always thick as blood.

“I’ve been… hiding out here for the last few days, though. Not really hiding from anyone or thing, but I guess I like to keep my space these days. How’ve things been elsewhere?” She could always make idle talk. Idle talk was what people did, asking about the weather and the family and the world around them. Swapping opinions in the same way that they tried to barter with their crude, salvaged items. Even though she knew there wasn’t much in the way of bartering. It was always about taking, because it was always about survival.


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