[Leader plz] Yeah I'm a Selfish Bastard
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... guitar.png);">
OOC: I don't mind shortness. It encourages me not to overwhelm people. Other people can jump in whenever they want now. and eff me for going overboard anyways >.<
I don't remember the moment I tried to forget, I lost myself..
Is it better off not said?

Mars seemed to be counting the fucking seconds that he had to listen to his other half talk and talk and talk about absolutely nothing of interest to the Russo. Mars wasn't like Bartholomew. They had their qualities that they shared, mainly because it would be ridiculous for Mars to know how to do something, and not Bart and vice versa (except for the whole swimming thing. It was just that Mars had been told since he was a little pup that large amounts of water was bad, and that he'd drown if he tried to swim, and he held on to this, and never let it leave the back of his mind, even though most of what his mom told him were either lies, or things to keep him at her side as a slave.). Mars looked out towards the horizon, looking at the hotel that was in a distance. He wanted to go there, but he knew that trespassing on lands that were not his own was taboo and he could be attacked, along with Vox. Vox was a prized procession of the male, and he was not willing to risk his beautiful buckskin horse. Now, if he knew the pack, then Mars would probably have waltzed on the lands like he owned the place, but alas, he didn't know anything but the name of the pack, so he sat on top of his steed at the borders of the lands. Are you even listening to me, Mars? Bartholomew asked, looking back at the other male, mismatched white and black hands being thrown up into the air as he did an about face and looked at the other male who had the same pelt as him, and everything. Nope, I stopped listening when you started ranting. the male truthfully spoke as he got ready to start playing his guitar.

As he was moving his guitar to be positioned in front of him, he had caught the glimpse of a large beast making his way over. Mars could tell from that far away that both Bart and himself were much smaller than the other male. Maybe about a foot or so. Mars wasn't expecting it, and so he swallowed nervously as the other male approached. Fingers ran over the strings of the guitar, singing out a tune he had made himself, a tune that was familiar only to him and his mother, maybe to Vox as well, just because Mars did tend to play the song over and over again until he got tired of playing it and he would move onto another song. Either that, or Bart got tired of hearing the song so he would start bitching about how Mars needs to learn new songs or something like that (Mars had a tendency to ignore the shit out of Bartholomew when he complained). Mars was a jerk to Bartholomew, only using the other male for things that he couldn't handle, or things he just didn't want to deal with. Bartholomew, being the way he was, didn't care and just would jump in at any time. He'd also talk Mars' ear off. The song rung in the air and as the other had come close enough to speak to him, the fingers on his ivory hand had stopped strumming the guitar. He tilted his head toward the other male as he spoke. Bartholomew had disappeared, a steel blue glance over to the spot he was standing to confirm this before those same steel eyes moved back on the giant of a male that stood taller than even his steed.

Words were spoken from the tongue of the other animal, the other beast. Mars looked at the other male with a almost stupid look on his face before he even opened his mouth to try and speak. Uhm.. he started, almost scared to continue, his voice was calm, ad very low. I was told my father lived here. Rurik Russo his name is. I came to see him, but I also was looking for a new home.. he spoke, his voice confident, yet very calm, and very low. He was never outspoken, Mars was the quieter of the two, if you wanted loudness, you better get Bartholomew to get his ass out. My name is Mars Bartholomew Russo.

Mars Speaks Bartholomew Speaks


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