Feverish Nights

Grr... my computer ate my post and I had to start again which sorta killed my muse...

'This is Crimson Dreams, you're safe her.' Enya heard the violet-eyed wolf speak. Cromson Dreams... Safe place... Despite the other wolf's words, Enya felt chilly despite the fact that only moments ago she had felt like her body was on fire. She shuddered. The craving that had ravaged her stomach all night cramped and she doubled over, feeling Hesper's prickly body squirming as she closed in around him.

Enya looked up and briefly met the wolf's violet eyes. 'The violet-eyed wolf'. Deleriously, Enya liked that name and felt a quick flash of disappointment when the violet-eyed wolf revealed her real name. Mati. Enya felt a flash of recognition at the name, but it was gone almost as soon as it came and settled to a nagging in the back of her mind. She didn't know where she had heard it before, but at that moment she didn't really care. Hesper, at that moment, managed to free himself from Enya's grasp. He barrelled himself towards Mati's legs softly bumping into them. He obviously didn't have the same fear of strangers as Enya. Hurredly Enya stretched out a paw and wrote again in the dirt, Don't hurt him! Please carry us to Crimzun Dreams.

Enya didn't know what a healer was but she hoped that it was not someone that would hurt her. Suddenly, it occurred to Enya that it was possible that Mati did not know how to read. Enya didn't know how many wolves could read - she didn't know where her mother had learned. Quickly though her thoughts turned back to Hesper who was crouching staring up at Mati, just inches from Enya's grasp. Please, don't do anything stupid Hesper! she silently prayed.


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