I will live this life of mine
*nomnomnomnom* PUPPIEEEEEEEEES!

The smile that lit up Bris' face as the child spoke was genuinely warm and loving. Being the only girl of the youngest litter in her home pack, she'd not had much experience with children as of yet. Taking care of Gideon in the house shared with Conor, Vark, and the other pups was a constant learning experience, and the snowy Stormbringer had been surprised at the amount of patience she'd wound up having. Maybe it was because she herself was only just past a year in age, and could remember vividly the way her own childhood was and how it felt to be so young. She'd made up her mind at Gideon's arrival that any child she took it upon herself to care for would never go through the hardships she'd had to endure.

The white girl's heart melted as her niece crawled closer, and she scooted up a bit on her knees to pull the little pup against her. Right now, in her absolute innocence, the tiny girl reminded Bris a little of herself before she'd learned the truth of her creation. The fact that Shiloh, Gideon, and their brothers shared the same mixed blood as Bris had immediately drawn her even closer to them than expected. No, they would never be forced to put up with looks of fear and digust from their family. Bris would make absolutely certain of it, especially after she found their missing father. Bris' heart held a deeply seated worry for her older brother, but she couldn't think of that now. "Yep, Giddy's been waiting for you ever since we found him. He asks us everyday if there's been any sign of you and Saul and Ascher. We've looked very hard, but it seems you were very good at hiding away from any danger! Even we couldn't find you!"

For a small moment, Bris simply smiled down at the little girl, then turned her softened gaze to the leader who had fast become a very dear friend. Her warm smile held hints of gratefulness, understanding, and a soft ember of bliss. The yearling was truly beginning to feel like Dahlia de Mai was without a doubt where she belonged. Her face expressing everything she needed to say to Conor, Bris again turned her blue and violet gaze back to the little ball of fur."Shiloh, are you hungry? I know Giddy will be so excited to see you, and we've got plenty to eat back home. How's that sound, good?"

Table by Marishka!
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