like a river runs to the sea

He seemed happy that she was learning, and this made Xeris even more pleased than she already was. Pendzez spoke a phrase, a bit more complicated and longer this time. "O gen-ki desu ka?" she sounded it out like he had. It seemed simple now, but surely the more complex words and phrases would up the difficulty of learning. She decided now to combine what she had learned. "Kon'nichiwa, Pendzez! O genki desu ka?" she spoke, the syllables sounding a little strange due to her still rather poor knowledge of the language. But the white wolfess smiled, knowing that she was making progress.

She noticed Pendzez looking toward the mansion as well, and he again mentioned that he had gone there before. He also mentioned DaVinci. It had been a while since Xeris had heard that name and even longer since she'd seen the wolf it belonged to. "Yes, I remember him. He was the first one I met here," she replied, thinking back to almost a year ago when she had first arrived in Phoenix Valley. "What exactly were the two of you doing out here?"


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