like a river runs to the sea
Pendzez listened carefully. Of course, he would correct her if she would somehow say one of the words wrong or something like that. However, Xeris was doing well. She is a quick learner. He listened to the question she asked from learning those two parts to put them to together to make the question. He was in smiles, almost getting to the point in tears. "Very good. You are a quick learner," he said in a complimentary way, smiling at her.

Pendzez thought back to when he and DaVinci was at the mansion on the islands. Pendzez was just fishing that down, wearing a straw hat, laying back in the boat, waiting for the bait to be taken. It was then that the former subleader asked if the white male would come along. Yes was the answer. Yet, who knows now where he is. Da had not been seen for a long time no. "Well, I think he was looking for something, and asked if I would come along."

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