[Leader plz] Yeah I'm a Selfish Bastard
http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy46 ... guitar.png);">
OOC: ilu meggles <3
Now I'm closer to the edge

Silence was never really silence for Mars. Bart would make sure of that with his constant bickering about most absolutely nothing. Bart was over on the ground, whistling some random tune that he probably was making up along the way. Mars' audit flicked towards the other male that was himself. He looked to the side, towards the being and he let out an audible snort come from his nose. Bart looked over lazily and narrowed his steel blue eyes on himself. Shut up Mars. You can't tell me what to do. the bastard spoke to himself, from Bart to Mars. Mars looked back at the male that would be his half brother if Rurik was indeed, Mars' father. Mars let his eyes scope the male's frame, wondering what his mother looked like. He also wandered what his own father looked like. All Mars did know about this Rurik was that he was Russian, and he had blue eyes.

Before Mars could find something to say, another being had moved towards the two. This male was in his four legged form, Secui to be exact. If Mars hadn't had all of his possessions on his back, and on his steed's back, then he would have greeted the male with a transformation before speaking. The other introduced himself as king of the pack. Mars bowed his head at the other with this announcement. Once Mars had gotten his respects out of the way, he had looked at the other being. He was a dog, a mutt of sorts. Mars wondered if he was even any percentage of wolf before his thoughts stumbled over themselves and he shook his head and opened his mouth to speak to the king. Oh, uhm... he started, running his tongue over his lips quickly before continuing. It is nice to meet you, my league. My name is Mars Russo. I kinda was looking for my father here, as well as to join your pack, good sir. he knew how to kiss ass. It wasn't the first time he was dealing with a higher ranked wolf, or dog in this case. Bartholomew had stayed to the side, his back turned towards the group of other males, and him sitting there, whistling that same tune he had been working on while his fingers played with the grass that was on the ground.

Mars had paused for a second before continuing though, figuring that the king would want to know what he could offer the pack and whatnot. As far as anything that I can do as skills go, I can uh.. another pause to lick his lips. I can act, throw plays, make music. I also have knowledge in herbs. I can run pretty good, you know, without the horse. I can also pull things over long distances. Uhhh... he paused to think about what else he could do. Draw, and sew. I can also cook food.. he listed off the last thing before he shut up and let the others have a chance to speak.

Mars Speaks Bartholomew Speaks


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