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Kansas had not patrolled the borders in several days — he was slacking, but perhaps he had reason to. The children were now at an age of absorbent minds, and he wished to spend every second that he could with them. This afternoon found them all sleeping, tired from play, so the young man slipped out to sweep the borders quickly before they awoke. Since no one seemed to visit when it was his turn for a border check, it usually took him a matter of moments to complete the task. The puppies would still be sleeping when he returned.

Today was different, though. As Kansas neared the boundary, a sharp cry split the air, a call to inform of someone's presence. The boy's ears perked with interest. There was a stranger nearby. Hoping that it was nothing but a visitor, the Sadira eagerly followed the howl to a small, blazing fire put, the flames tended by a hybrid canine. The Colonel woofed to alert the man that he had arrived before he spoke in his deep tones. Can I help you?


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