Love your character's name, btw.

The hybrid male surprised Kansas with a gentlemanly bow. Unsure of how to react, the snowy wolf merely smiled, turquoise eyes wide in bewilderment. Perhaps he should have scolded the other for trespassing upon Crimson Dreams' territory, but he didn't have such strength. The right to chastise was his, as their borders were clearly defined — Kansas just didn't see a reason to. The stranger had not threatened his beloved home and, more importantly, seemed to know how to be respectful. Of course, Kansas also didn't quite have the gumption for reprimand.

This is Crimson Dreams, he said lightly, swishing his silken tail. The way the man spoke of the weather puzzled the slender brute, as the early summer air felt warm to him. He was in wolf form and his coat was more than enough to keep him warm. Of course, this was not something he cared to spend much thought on. Do you have business here, or are you just exploring...? His tone was curious but, he was proud to realize, politely businesslike. He'd never heard his voice sound this way. Hopefully the stranger was comfortable enough to share his purpose here.


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