Inuki watched the other wolf as it observed him. Upon hearing the question, he sudden;y felt as if his beloved Nature was speaking to him through this vessel. "Well, i am not sure whether i have business here or not. I am exploring though." He stood up and, leaning on his staff, walked over to the other Wolf. "I am a wanderer searching for a pack to call my own." he said as he began to relate his story. Several hours passed as Inuki told the tale of living in the ruins of Atlanta, chasing after and finding his Father's pack only to be cast out as a hybrid-exile, and the long journey north.

"And that is how i came to be here, friend." Inuki concluded. Then, looking up at the sky, he realized how long his story had taken. "I am most sorry, i fear i have kept you far too long, your pack may be worried about you." he apologized.

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