"Ahh, a home. I guess you could say i am looking for a home." Inuki said. Too quickly, he thought immediatly. Hastily, he sought to clarify, "I have wandered for quite some time. I can hardly remember what 'home' means. Mainly what i am searching for is a place where i can be accepted for being a hybrid. My mother's ex-mate wasn't as forgiving." He looked down, ashamed suddenly for his mixed heritage. Who could ever care for a mutt? Well, he thought, maybe this pack would. "You say you have room... Colonel? What would i have to do for your pack to accept me?" he asked cautiously, not wanting to offend such a high-ranking wolf. "that is, if i am to be accepted into Crimson Dreams."

Pausing for a moment to guage Kansas's reaction to the questions, he slipped back down against the ground, his legs folded carefully. "And what about me do you desire to know, Sir?" he asked. Then Inuki began again, "Well, i am proficient in wortcunning and meteorology. These are nescessary skills out in the wild lands. I'm not sure how important they are for pack life though, as i have never been in a pack." Inuki finished his little speech, worried that he would be rejected again. He hoped with all of his heart that he would find a hme, finally.

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