The words used by Kansas confused Inuki momentarily, "Half-coyote heritage" he said quietly to himself. And the wolf had said that his mixed heritage wouldn't bring him any trouble here. And this Commander, Savina, had confirmed this. He might actually have a home here. A real home. He hoped vehemetly that his skills were up to par with this pack's standards.

He pulled his robe off, slowly at first as if he were expecting the cold to creep up on him at any minute. Then, bowing his head respectfully towards Commander Savina, Inuki began to explain the words he had used. "They are words that would be meaningless had i not discovered books amoung some of the ruins where i was born. Wortcunning means, umm" he stuttered as he tried to remember exactly what the book had said, "knowledge of herbs. and their effects. I use them to help heal injured animals in the wild. I help them and they give of themselves to help me." he smiled at this remembering his few friends in the wilds, mostly such things as squirrels and deer. "And meteorology is the study and understanding of weather, Ma'am." he spoke in a quiet, low voice. He had never been used to being loud, never talking to more than just local animals and they rarely used words. "I believe the books called someone with my talents a... 'shay-man' or something like that. And forgive me if the pronouciation is off, i had to teach myself how to read human words."

As he finished, he looked into the Commander's eyes, trying to read what he saw there. It was confusing for he had never done this to another wolf. Her eyes revealed a very complex creature, filled with abstract thought and a conscience, not at all like the deer and other animals he had been so used to. Quickly, Inuki looked down, fearing he was trespassing the bounds of respect by trying to guess what she was thinking. "F-forgive me" he muttered under his breath

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