I wonder
Baby I've been here before

Aww... J/K, no fight's good for me, too. Blades were just a precaution, but it's not like she could have done anything useful with them.. they're mainly for gathering things and skinning prey when needed. Sharp, but their user isn't. Gabe can whoop her butt some other time, lol. What are we hunting? If it's the kit, lemme know, I'll edit.

I know this room, I've walked this floor

Heh, she'd been found before she'd spoken. Hanna had not counted on the way her footfalls sounded on the wooden floor. He was right, the coyote was; she could never have saved her pack mate before he cut her down. The knives were more a scare tactic, anyway, than a real threat. Further, Naniko seemed to recognize the male, and was more than willing to let him past. She seemed self-assured that he was no threat, the way she told Hanna to put the weapons away, and as befitted her position, Hanna flattened her ears and sheathed the blades, swinging her tail down to a lower level than her superior's. Her nose slightly wrinkled, Hanna muttered, more to Gabriel than Naniko, Sorry.Then, to the room at large, I'll just go get my pack. She turned slowly, and casting one final glance toward the door where the Altesterin had backed away, strode to the bathroom, where she'd locked in the fox kit.

She walked past it first, where another room stood open at the end. The female dropped to her knees on the floor, thumping her fists on the ground. She couldn't understand this! What had made her so violent? Time was when she'd have never fought, even if provoked. Now, she couldn't go two days without wanting to fight somebody. Eh, no reason to have them come check on her because of the thumps. She'd go collect the baby then find out what they'd determined.

One foot blocking the gap, Hanna opened the door and stuck her head in. The kit was apparently where she'd left it. Opening the bag slowly, Hanna saw that the fox was nestled in, though nowhere near sleep, and she lifted the bag carefully and took it back toward the other canines. She scruffed it gently as she entered the room so the kit wouldn't jump away again and risk injuring itself more.


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