Where do you go when there is no place left?

BIOS actually didn't understand why was that nip for..? His heath beat a little harder for the moment as that was her mother's reaction when she scolded BIOS for saying a "bad word" he imitated from other stray dogs in Homeland, and so he initially thought Yuki was angry with him..! but then... that friendly smile in her face and Ever's gripping expression just made him show himself the same way, but somewhat confused... Maybe it was some kind of friendly compliment... BIOS just stood there still looking at the girls... and noticing that each one proceeded to take on their own activities in his perspective: Yuki was still attendant to the little bird's actions and chirps while Ever was near the entrance looking deeply at the sky... maybe retrieving memories in her mind... Meanwhile BIOS just stood in the middle of the cave doing nothing else but looking at the canis whit him... there was again the intrigue about talking or not to them for they seemed really concentrated on their respective actions...

He thought for a moment about what he knew so far about that place and the inhabitants found at the moment... He knew one was more a "wanderer" and has no specific place to go or stay in the case of Yuki... while the other... well he was not sure, but her scent was definitely different to Yuki's and, the most estrange, It was an eerily familiar scent..! He just could swear he knew that scent from somewhere or someone else but he could not made it in mind at the moment..! Well... unless such intrigue lead him to stand and walk near the entrance of the cave in Ever's side to start looking in the sky too... clouds where pretty dark and abundant... a good topic to start the conversation...

"It seems the dark clouds are clinging in the sky...
we might have to wait long until heavens dry"

Pretty reasonable words... there was no discussion about that, BIOS could notice though that Ever didn't seem upset with the idea, and that was a good sing to BIOS to keep on the conversation...

"But now that we are held inside and together have plenty time
we can tap our fortunate collide and share stories we've claimed..!"

The pup proposed while walking to a corner of the cave, the one he woke up that day actually, and sat to relax and have a fast view of her companions. He stretched his paws and neck calmly before start with a brief story...

"I told Yuki before that I'm currently lost...
I've decided my goal was to find my path
but there's a thing I haven't said the most,
It's before wake up here right where I sat...

I have no clue of who brought me in here,
and I don't realize the days I were asleep...
But I will never forget that day back there,
when the wound I have opened and bleed...

Fearsome cans threatened my mom and me,
I tried to fight but I was so outnumbered..!
My mother scram and nerves took over me,
I ran far but my wounds were encumbered...

And here I was, right in this day where I sat,
I woke up cured and with the smell of salt..!"

BIOS determinedly omitted the details about the "walkers" as that sounded, for him, really weird and unrealistic..! Beings of two legs that once ruled the world in legends, combined in face, tail and skin with canis was something just unconceivable in his mind..! Not to be fault, after all he lived all of his short life with the four legged and no one told him about certain genetic condition that, by the way, he had in his very blood..!

However... after finishing or made a pause in his tale, he sighed a little and turned his view on both ladies in the cave...

"As you can see, my situation might be recent...
so I need to prepare and journey back my land..!

Though I need to explore these new frontiers
and I'll need all the help to confront my fears..!

Yuki here has already offered me her support
I don't know If you, Ever, can help me go forth..."

I'd Initially like to know If you're from around..?

The canis finally asked and awaited for the desired answer...

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