A Sense of Balance
The male’s eyes didn’t miss her movements, even his dulled senses where still working on scenarios of quickly changing circumstances. With a grunt he let his injured left leg straighten out as if to study it while she approached closer. The bone was clearly broken, the evidence of it staring him in the face. The thought of changing to his feral lupus form crossed his mind, four feet instead of two, well three instead of one. With a quiet resignation as the she wolf talked his head nodding from time to time in response but giving no answer yet he stretched forward letting both his arms take a hold of his leg. One quick jerk and the wolf forced the bone into submission as the blood came forth unsettled by the change. He showed nothing on the outside no hint of pain but his mind continued to thump harder now. The warrior’s eyes closed once again obviously unable to fight all the pain. Her presence though was starting to have a positive effect on him. At least he wasn’t alone.

“I came from England, I was trained to be a Knight but never let myself take the name… They turn out to be mostly talk” his lips curled back in a subdued laugh, but as was the case it wasn’t because he wasn’t deserving of it. “No I am from across the ocean, born of dual loyalties to two countries; neither one fitting me. I am English but name given to me by my French father.” Talking helped take his mind off everything for the moment. The she wolfs actions hinted that she wasn’t a threat to him. “I came here to find my own life; I wanted to travel west to the Pacific Ocean. I’ve heard that it’s as beautiful as the Normandy coast line” His eyes lifted open again at her, the fear that had swirled in them earlier gone as he looked over the female. Her marks where of interest to him, they were much different from anything he had seen. He himself had no marks, only the darker gray patches of fur that he was given from his father. Other then that the grey wolf was nothing more than a hulking frame offset by his soft voice and brilliant blue eyes that never hinted at malice, which gave him a sense of a great contradiction.

On the other hand the she wolf was stunningly beautiful to him but again he fought the urge to be suspicious. After all he was in no condition to outright challenge someone. “I think if I can fashion a splint for my leg I’ll be able to continue after a few days” he was being over ambitious and he was well aware of it. It would be weeks before his leg would be in any shape to travel let alone count on it to hunt and fight with. He let his paw reach back to again hold the back of his head out of nervous tension feeling the same wet feeling as the last time this time realizing that he had another injury to contend with.

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