Treasure Island Incognito

-is a slowpants Meggles- ♥ 300+

Silvano was boring, taking a nap. Who did things like that? Artemis did not, no she did not! Not unless her parents made her, of course, and then she didn't really have a choice. Sometimes, though, she liked to close her eyes and pretend to sleep, to see if she could fool them. It usually did not work, but she could always keep trying. Someday, she would master the art of pretending to sleep. She woul.d not tell anyone, but usually when she pretended to fall asleep, she did end up dozing just a little bit... But not much. No, never a lot. An itty-bitty nap, at best.

Instead of napping like her brother, Artemis had adventured! The first step had been to see if the door was open and if there was anything interesting in the hall, but nothing seemed to draw her attention. Then, she had wiggled her way underneath the bed, curious to see what it was like under there. In one word, it was dusty, and she coughed a lot. During this, though, she saw a bit of shiny material—the plastic on the bottom of the box spring—hanging in her face, with a hole into the bed above her!

Of course Artemis had needed to climb up into it. Even with all of her weight on the aged plastic, she did not fall through, and she explored inside the boxspring with interest, ears perking up when she heard her brother calling for her. "I'm in the bed, Silv!" she shouted, her voice muffled by where she was. It was really weird in there, definitely. It was hot and her voice sounded funny to her own ears. She wondered if her brother would actually understand what she meant. After all, inside the bed was unexplored territory for all of them, wasn't it?

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