Fishing under Storm

Sorry sorry sorry 4 the delay..!!! D8

"Crimson Dreams..?" The canis recalled in his mind… There was the “Infernis” the “Cours des Miracles” and now the “Crimson Dreams”, what could that mean now? The crimson… or red color was referred in poetry to many things… love… friendship… importance… as well as blood… destruction… pain… war… and even, along the black color, it was very close to “death” in meaning..! However… BIOS was already so confused to think about that… in not much time he would hopefully know about the paks and territories in that land… for now, the real subject was “Belle”… the pretty red glanced canis who was offering a fish to the still starving dog… BIOS confusion and natural shyness would have left him silent in front of the canis for a half minute or more, but then he could retrieve some of his moods…

“Ahh… Sorry… BIOS be the name
for help you can ask with no shame...”

He finally answered looking a little embarrassed to the fish, and a couple of seconds later back to Belles deep red eyes… pretty interesting it was for him… after recalling his mother in the beginning, now he was remembering the red glanced “walker” in his dreams… the one who introduced himself as “Enkiel” or something like that (BIOS has a really good memory and is very attentive, not for nothing he speaks English, French and some Spanish at such young age..!)… She was also smiling… in a way that made BIOS felt more secure and kind of happy… both her smile and her eyes were powerful tools she could use for both be attractive or be intimidating…

He noticed she was also looking at him… to his face in particular… he knew there was something awful in there as it felt so warm and itchy and he felt pain each time he tried to scratch (The scar was still fresh and sewed), of course he remembered the attack two nights ago, and he remembered the blood trace he left on his way to escape, and so he knew that had something to do with the feelings he had and the possible appearance he was holding now… a battle scar… like the ones that many foes in Homeland had and the things that distinguished them bloody fighters or even murderers..! What a shame! How could a humble poet be considered that way??? BIOS trembled when he thought about that, his reputation would be compromised for the rest of his life if such marks in his face were that noticeable..! He was more than curious to see his own face reflected in a lake or a mirror to stop the intrigue he was struggling with… but then, once again, Belle was the subject he had to deal with before… BIOS turned his eyes to the female’s paws so she doesn’t notice the scars that much (something kind of useless… if he had known the magnitude of his injury) , no one questioned or talked for about a minute……….. Errr… and what else..? Ow yeah..! The fish..!

“Excuse me… this fish… with me you want to share..?
We have just met, It’s weird that you for me care…”

BIOS said marking circles in the sand with his right paw shyly… At that rate, the rain was gone and sun shone with intensity once again while sea was producing that relaxing sound characteristic of the waves…

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