Fishing under Storm

Again, forgive the delay... Some "Virus-Chaos" held me away from this... =__=U

‘BIOS, my dear, do you always speak in rhyme?

Are you a full time poet… do you do this all the time?’

The female canis said fist of all… such questions made BIOS forget about his confusion for a little and smile for the irony of that question that actually was a rhyme… She did it on purpose..? Whether she did it or not, BIOS could resemble once more the female in front of her with her mother’s manner of speaking… However, that was just for a moment, then the lady apologized for something that he didn’t understand very well, he stood quiet just looking at the bright crimson eyes, she seemed somewhat shy but BIOS could feel in her a bit of “nostalgia”… But not for much before she glazed at him again and then grabbed the fish and got closer to him to wave it in BIOS face… Something that sounded more like mockery in his Homeland, but that BIOS could understand seconds later when she released the tuna in front of him and persuaded him to eat up…

“Ahm… Ok Belle, Thanks a lot..…

For repay something I shall plot…”

BIOS told while finally picking the fish and giving a small bite to eat some of it, containing the desire of devour it in a gulp so he doesn’t look as desperate as a shipwrecked. Belle then started to talk about fishing… In the time back to the Homeland, BIOS and his mother used to go a lot to the coast nearby to gather shells or hunt cabs for eating, some times they stopped near groups of dogs that usually hunted one or two times per week in that area, instead of fishing their own food, Moonglare and BIOS… specially Moonglare, recited some poetry, or histories or philosophy in order to captivate the dogs and convince them to share a couple of fish with them… Most of the times that resulted in a good dinner before going to sleep, but otherwise, they never tried to fish by themselves and preferred to keep hunting snails or crabs… or in the worst cases to scavenge around the city to feed themselves (Like the bad day in which BIOS abandoned his Homeland)… Back to our history, after Belle’s kind gift to BIOS, she started proposing him that she could teach him how to fish in exchange of poetry lessons..! BIOS stopped eating after hearing this, he was surprised, No one had ever made such a proposition to him (even to his mother)..! “GULP” he swallowed the half munched fish in his snout, luckily without choking, and then stared at Belle amazed..!

“What? Are you sure of what you’re saying?

If I teach you poetry You’d teach me fishing??”

BIOS asked, he knew already that the red glanced female was not like the other dogs he knew in the homeland, but it was hard to believe that someone else was interested in learning poetry, and even more than it was taught by him..! He still considered himself an amateur in comparison to his mother when it comes to recite poetry… and everything else… BIOS for a moment felt flattered… such moments when plain skin turns red… He scratched the sand a little looking at it and then looked back to Belle’s eyes…

“I would really like you to teach me to fish Belle..!”

He said, and then gave one firm step forward to proudly look at the girl…

“And yes, I wll LOVE to teach you poetry as well..!”

BIOS finally continued with a smile almost circling his head..!

By the way, if you want to put spaces between paragraphs you can either use different "< p >" tags per paragraph or you can also use the "< br >" tag to make a newline (Quote any of my post to have an example). ^^

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