You and [m]e could write a bad ro[m]ance

table © Alaine
ooc: that is a sexy table o: anywho, i'm good to continue! time jump whenever, although you could probably get some good woozy Alaine right now XD
wc: 421

Her body hummed all over, radiating female power, oozing sexual contentment. Her bones felt like liquid, her muscles melting around them, warm and used and pleasantly exhausted. She just felt so damn good! Was this what she'd been missing out on, all this time? Was this what lovemaking was supposed to feel like, or was it a one-off, a glorious combination of him and her that could never be duplicated? The woman wasn't sure, for she could barely even think straight, her mind still brimming with excess of chemicals. The afterglow settled down on her like a gauze of beauty, making those emerald eyes sparkle, her lips lifted in a smile, still smattered with the ruby of his blood.

Dai, still stuck in her, managed to position himself so that she could breathe. He was watching her with those entrancing ocean eyes, just watching her, his smile rousing one of her own as the collie-woman stretched her arms up above her head, enjoying the pleasant ache that resonated through her body. And when he spoke, she rose to meet his kiss, laughing softly against his mouth. They lay facing each other, one of her slender legs still drawn over his hips, the scattered material strewn about them like the demise of a rainbow. From deep in her throat came a satisfied hum, her lashes lowering over jade eyes that watched the golden male as though he were the only thing in this world apart from herself. And right at the moment, he most certainly was.

After another sweet kiss, she licked her muzzle, cleansing it of the sweet copper of his life-blood, before lifting each of her fingers to her tongue in turn. Satisfied that all remnant of his blood had now been pulled from her fur the woman snuggled closer to Daisuke's chest, listening to the reassuring beat of his heart.

" Dai?" She said suddenly, pulling back enough that she could meet his gaze, her own suddenly wary, " Don't... Don't tell Caillen about this, okay? He won't understand... He doesn't need to know." She wondered if her golden knight would understand, one of her ivory hands resting on his broad chest, fingers slipping through the soft gold hair there. She felt no shame from this union, felt no dramatic shift in their relationship, but now that her mind was gradually beginning o clear from the sex-fog this complication had become apparent. Her son would not understand, and it would be better for everyone if he was left unawares.

Speak think walk


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