Fishing under Storm

OMG it’s OCC! Sorry for the wait! And sorry for the rubbish post D: Muse juice soaked up!

As the young boy grinned, she smiled in unison, it seemed she had never smiled so much in the period of one day in her life! Meeting this playful pup had really changed her views on things, yet things just did not seem right- they did not fit into place. It seemed her childhood she had lost was gradually coming back to her, but was it already too late? She still had that continual pain in her chest that would never disappear, no matter how much fun she had. It was all so strange and hazy. She had not really thought about it, yet, was this how she would of behaved all her life if her father had not of done those things to her? She certainly seemed much more confident, happy, and intent on making friends, but it all seemed like a rushed dream that she was sure would soon end.

Shaking the unwanted thoughts from her mind, she gestured with one small paw towards the sea, and she rushed over to it, galloping to the edge in a mere number of seconds. Turning to make sure the dog was following, she jumped into the sea, immediately splashing her coat in the liquid-blue. The water lapped at her bodice like a deadly poison gradually seeping in all area's, yet the sand at the shore pushed back at the water, soaking it up like the antidote.

'Watch' She whispered, and with that she swam deeper, until she was about 25 feet from BIOS.

'You have to keep your legs kicking....' She began kicking all four of her legs, slowly and gently- so it was enough to keep her upright, yet not enough for her to move anywhere else.

'Then wait till you see a blurry form.... and then you pounce.' Concentrating so hard it felt as if her brain would surely burst, she slowly waited until the grey, shimmering object rushed past her. Quick as a cheetah, she snapped her maw into the water, pulling out the fish. It lay wriggling in her mouth for a while, before it finally lay still and dead.

'Mmmyooohhhhh Trrrriiiieeeeeeyyyyy' She splutterered, swimming to shore. When she got to the sand again, she dropped the fish, and repeated her words so they made more sense.

'You try.'

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