Life in Technicolor

AHEM. You guys know this is horribly late because I'm an idiot who realizes it's her turn in threads, like, 3 weeks late and goes "O___O wut?" xD; Sorry, loves! I'll be better about it because I love this thread!
300+ words.

She knew that Haven and his adoptive mother were very close. For quite some time, she had been envious of this, and perhaps she still was. Once upon a time, she had been close to her mother, but she had realized soon enough that their relationship had been a horrible one. Still, knowing how terrible of a woman her mother was, Princess wished she still had her in her life, in a twisted, hidden way. The young chance woman would never vocalize this desire, but she wanted a mother. She always had wanted one that honestly and truly cared.

After a moment for them to be alone together, she sat with them, though of course she sat closer to Haven than to Anu when completing the triangle. It was not a concious decision, but something she did purely because she wanted to, deep down. Princess did not like being away from him, even if only for a little while. Suddenly, she felt very shy. Haven had been adament that Anu would be happy for them, but the nagging fear that she might not lingered. Such a fear was illogical—Anu had been the one to urge her to go to Cour des Miracles to be with him—but she suspected it would remain until proven otherwise.

"Cour des Miracles has been nice. I miss Crimson Dreams, but I am happy there," she answered. It may have been the first time that she had vocalized her initial longing for the pack of Dreamers, but that was fine. Princess had loved it here, but her place was in the Miracles pack now. Golden eyes practically sparkled as Haven spoke their main purpose in coming to visit. Anu would know how happy they both were now, surely, and Princess thanked her for that. Without Anu's help, she may not have ever gathered the courage to go to Cour des Miracles as she had.

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