These City Walls, They Hold no Love for Me

Warning: some mature language ahead.... just one bad word actually XD
I expected something like that from what I read in your profile haha XD Show time... Tongue

And the dog expected the big cat to screech while jumping so high to then fall and turn in despair to run away like being chased by a demon..! But... Instead of that... wha...? the cat actually talked..??

"Wha..?? You actually talked..??"

That's what i said... and yes... the young pup was surprised to see that..! Cats in his homeland were helpless small beings that shyly went out of the dens they were forced to live in to scavenge for some food in the road... but that one was different... bright and deep green gaze, elegant posture and movements and, of course, a self confident –not to mention “arrogant”- voice that together only highlighted the fact that the being that BIOS tried to stupidly scare was intelligent… even more than BIOS himself..! Realizing that, the young canis… the “poet” dog… just felt like an idiot and learned one of several lessons in his life: Never listen to the fucking devil in your shoulder..!

BIOS stood with opened snout for a little while… without knowing what to do or say in such embarrassing situation…

“Ah… Errr… I’m Sorry I thought you…”

“You” what..? "you where a silly cat, toy of stray dogs in the city..?" Nice answer BIOS..! BIOS shook his head a little realizing what he was about to say and then recovered the posture as he could..!

“I mean… Sorry… I thought you were ‘Other’…” ñ__ñu

All right… that “Other” could both be completed with “kind of cat” or “person”… Giving to understand that BIOS was confusing the green glanced cat with another known cat… more descent answer, I guess…. Yet, that stupidity feel would be hard to wash away…

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