Your Scream's A Whisper

Oh yes, I took it there XD (And I kinda rushed his transformation only because he's a luperci in all my other posts I have open. I'm practicing)

The femme that stood before him was quite beautiful. The way she stood there and it was quite evident that she was a warrior. The way she was gripping the hilt of her sword sparked a note of interest in his eye. Her stance shown she was quite a serious person, but he didn’t see seriousness on her now. Her scent gave away that she was part of his own pack. He smiled and noticed he had morphed into a luperci almost completely now. The weird part was that he barely noticed. Now he was definitely taller, but he couldn’t stand up on his hind legs yet. His fur had become coarser and longer and his mane was definitely longer than it should be. Weird. His paw’s fingers began to elongate but his back legs stayed paw-like. They grew bigger, though, and soon he was able to stand. Huh, so this was the weird feeling? He pushed his front hands off the ground and was now standing straight and tall like a luperci. This let him look at the female, called Ember, before him better.

Hello Ember Pheonix, I’m Moonfyre NecroFang, but just Moonfyre is fine.

As he adjusted to his new stance he noticed she had beautiful green orbs. He looked intensely at them. Females with green eyes were a turn on for him. He cracked a smile at his own thoughts but also to be nice to her. He wondered if she was looking for a mate. What do luperci pups look like? How would one mate while in the luperci state? All questions to inappropriate for the moment; but he did need to blurt out something from the back of his mind.

You have beautiful eyes. They’re quite hypnotizing.

He thinks. He speaks. He acts. He emphasizes.

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