Prom Queen
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OOC: Storm trooper = gangster. shuddup. +5
Television Rules the Nation!

Cotl hadn't noticed how nice he was being compared to the way he treated other people. In fact, Cotl didn't really noticed half of his own behavior since he had told himself that he needed to be nicer so he could get some people to draw on. For simplicity's sake, he had treated her like she was a "princess" or at least that she was on the same level of his brother, to where she could see what little kindness that had sat on his head every once in awhile. if he had realized that he had become almost overly nice, he would smack himself in the face and take every word back of what he said, or asked. Cotl probably needed to reassess himself and redefine. Cotl needed to commit murder is what he needed to do. He needed to draw the life out of another, see the life escape from pain-ridden eyes. A random act of violence. He couldn't do it now, here on the woman whom he had sympathized with now, but, if rage was to come to the woman, then he'd be more than glad to go on a wolf hunt with the woman.

Cotl was almost surprised that the woman had come closer and laid her head on his shoulder. Tall rust, gauged ear fell back against the long black hair that sat on his head. He tried not to twitch, the look of twitch had formed on his face, but in the end, it happened anyways, and his neck twitched away from the woman and his throat cleared roughly. After that though, everything was completely normal. No twitches for now. If she listened to his heart, she'd be able to hear it beating softly in his chest, sometimes it was the only way he knew he wasn't dead, that he was alive and in the world. The woman spoke to him, his muzzle tilted towards her as he listened to her words. The woman would go on to say that she didn't know who the father is. Dat.....doesn't make sense... the male spoke softly, both of his rust ears flattening against his head. -NYEH-I just don't understands how ein baby kann just happens like dat. the twitch came back almost flawlessly. He took a deep breath as if he was trying to calm himself down, but it just made him have to clear his throat again. His voice had been surprisingly low, except for the, you know, tic that was in there, in which was loud and echoed through the halls. It was kindof how you knew Cotl was in the house. Just listen hard enough, he'd have to clear his throat or make a sound eventually. He kept his voice a whisper though, not wanting any other curious ears hear their conversation, especially when it had come to this degree. You birthed him? You didn'ts finds him anyvhere? -APOCALYPTIC SHITFACED BASTARD- again, his voice was raised when it was an interjection, but his voice went back down to a whisper when he had continued to speak. Ich verstehe nicht. Nein.. the male spoke, his ears finally tilting forward. The NYEH sound came from his chest once more. You dhink dat somevone rapes you en sleep? the male asked softly, an ear twitching back once again.


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