These City Walls, They Hold no Love for Me
I'm so sorry for making you wait for so long.! :C

Poetry doesn't need rhymes, chorus or even of beautiful complex words to acquire it's essence, all what the poetry needs is conviction on it’s words or acts to make them spread the it’s characterizing consternation… Poetry is not entirely a way of amusement or relaxation, it is a media for other’s hearth… for oneself hearth... BIOS was thought that way, was thought to recognize life’s wonders and advantages that way, and Element, the tabby cat, seemed to reflect that with each word he gave in reply to BIOS last question…

“That was so deep Element,
Your wisdom makes me relent..!”

BIOS implied about Element’s will… It was easy to forget about the good things around you, about the luck that brought you to this moment in one piece… well, about life itself… BIOS felt his courage and eager to find his mother refreshed by having such inspiring conversation with such unexpected being..!

“He… irony… You resemble my mother… I mean, your thought…”

BIOS forged an estrange but yet possible idea in his mind…

“Moonglare is her name… You maybe know of that so sought..?”

Just a remote possibility… they where far away from home, but the Labrador she-dog had lived long… enough to know a lot about the world… even and maybe about that same place they were standing in too… Else, how she could be so wise in a place of brutes? Where she learnt so many histories and fantastic tales? How she could know about the infamous “walkers” that she mentioned several times in his histories? Hehe… Well, BIOS never thought about those questions when he was nearby her, NOW it would be great if he had those answers and more…

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