Dress Up In You
Um WHEN was our last thread together because I am thinking Arlo Xyl and Kaena XD 333

Nayru was not so caught up in her own thoughts that she did not hear the soft foot falls and as they approached and turning her blood colored eyes in the night she saw the male before he saw her. He was almost upon her and far too close before he seemed to start and acknowledge her, she could sense the surprise in his voice. The girl smiled smoothly and dipped her head low in an elegant bow. For as unsure of herself as the adolescent had become, she was sure about many other things. Nayru knew how to be polite and charming. She knew how to read others and speak kindly to them and be warm but mysterious and aloof all at once. Nayru knew social protocol down to the tee, and more recently she had decided to use these skills rather than forget herself in childishness. The black and white pinto wolf had a very adult, controlled air about her, but there was ever present the easy friendliness in her soft, whispery voice.

"Hello sir," The girl could tell that the boy was older than her, but perhaps not but much. Still he was a member of the pack, or in the very least a long term visitor. Nayru could tell this by the way Dahlia’s scent clung heavily to him although not quite like it enveloped her. Aside from one lone venture into Arachnea’s Revenge she had not left the pack lands in nearly three months and Dahlia de Mai saturated her. Still he was of Dahlia now and she showed a quite and somber respect to him, one that she vowed to show to everyone, from Conor down to the youngest Stormbringer pup newly arrived as well. "You are new here?" Her question was phrased so that it was clear they both knew the answer, but asked only to give the fellow an easy opening into explaining his presence and why they hadn’t yet met. "My name is Nayru."


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