Actions Speak Louder than Words

Yes, Parker is too darn cute indeed. The universe struggles constantly to handle such cuteness.

Her lamb was safe, that was all Parker needed to know. Now she and mama could go to the meadow and Parker would not have to worry about her special toy. Oh how wonderful! The cinnamon and sugar girl could not contain her excitement, and she would have been wiggling and bouncing around had not her mother scooped her up by the scruff to carry her downstairs. Parker didn't understand it, but something about the way mama carried her just made her relax instantly. She had almost no control over it. It just felt so good that Parker would just tuck her paws up against her body and hang there from her mama's jaws quiet and motionless. The trip downstairs was quick, though, and as soon as Savina set her down the golden-eyed pup began bouncing and wiggling about as if she had never stopped.

Her mother very kindly opened the door, and Parker scampered out making it a point to nod in a gesture of gratitude for her mom's actions. Then, like the good girl she was she waited outside patiently for her dark furred mama to follow her outside. Immediately her senses were bombarded with every sort of sight, scent and sound she could imagine. The birds chirping made Parker's little pointed ears dance about on her head, trying to listen to all of them. Her nose almost instinctively sniffed the air trying to identify everything she was smelling, which of course she couldn't as she had not been outside the mansion before. At least, she could not remember ever being outside the mansion before. Last but not least, the Sadira girl's bright, shining eyes moved across the landscape in front of her, sweeping all the way from left to right before focusing back on her mother. With a wag of her white tipped tail, Parker eagerly awaited her mother's lead. Parker wanted to know what everything around her was called, but she would be more than happy to wait until they got going. After all, it was impolite to bug her mom with each thing she came across. Whatever her mother pointed out, she would learn about. Mama knew what was most important, and what was coolest, so Parker was more than ready to trust her judgement.

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