M - Pull Me Closer to Love

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The world seemed nearly perfect to her nowadays. It seemed all the trauma that the falling of Old Red had caused was more or less healed. Her aunt still had some recovery time to wait out, but Cambria was certain that Ghita would be right as rain soon enough. Terrible as that even had been, it had served a good purpose in one respect. Having her uncle come to rescue her and risk himself to save her from the wreckage had allowed her to let go of the anger that she had still held against him. What he had done would most likely always cause some distance between them that hadn't been there before, but that distance had been shrunk substantially. Her little brother and sisters were growing rapidly and going out on their own, and Anu's boys were also doing well. The thing that made her life the best though was without a doubt the Church fey. Their affection for one another had only grown with the passing of weeks, and she had never been happier.

Enzo's eyes peered around the room as he watched from his perch atop his companion's head. Cambria had her nose deep in her book of plants and herbs. No matter how many times she read it, she always managed to find some detail or species that was beneficial that she had missed before. Her back was propped against the headboard of her bed while her thighs served as a stand for the large book. Sea green eyes poured tirelessly over the words and illustrations that littered the pages. She was so engrossed that she might have missed the soft knocking at her door altogether if Enzo hadn't reacted to it, taking flight and landing on top of his cage. "Coming!" she said, marking her place in the book before standing up and moving to the door.

When she opened her door and saw who stood outside her face bloomed into a bright smile and she immediately wrapped her arms around the other female's form, pressing her face against her chest. "Mati," she breathed, her tail wagging happily behind her.

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