~My sCaRs never cease to BE

You don't fail! I'm sorry for the wait as well. 300+

The river reached before him, a sparkling silver ribbon across the plain. When he looked closely enough, let his vision focus on nothing but the stream of clear water, he could see a myriad of colors like tiny jewels shining in the sun. Evening was fast approaching, and in its waning golden light the river was at its best for the day. After an afternoon patrol of the borders, Kansas was hot and getting drowsy. He sought Lenape River for its shade and for the cooling breeze that played off the water. He had come here before to ease his mind, remembering that experience fondly enough to repeat it.

He lay his muzzle over one paw, the other dangling over the pebbled shore into the crisp water. In that moment, his heart ached for Savina. It seemed wrong to enjoy the beauty of the river without her. She should be resting right beside him, listening to the rushing water. Sometimes he wondered if he loved her too much. It didn't seem normal to be missing her so deeply when they'd only parted late that morning. He was looking forward to nothing more than returning home to kiss her. When he had finished considering that he was overly in love with his wife, Kansas laughed audibly. He loved being in love with Savina. It was the greatest truth in his life.

He couldn't bear relaxation any longer. It was time to go home. Kansas yawned lazily, licking his chops as his snowy muzzle closed. He lifted himself to his feet with ease, limbs dirtied by sparse traces of sand. Looking across the narrow length of river, the shape of a feminine werewolf leaning against a cane was clearly defined in the sharpness of evening sun. Kansas could not figure out who the woman was, but it would not due to depart before he found out. True, he wished to sneak away and make the short trek home immediately so he could see his wife and pups. But he had obtained a higher rank than ever before, he was obligated to be respectful.

Crossing the river was not difficult for him. He leaped from rock to rock with sure and practiced paws. As he reached the opposite bank, Kansas studied the figure again. Ghita was easy to recognize now that he could see her face clearly. He barked softly to the agouti woman. Ghita. His tail wagged steadily. He had not socialized with his sister-in-law much — in fact, he barely knew her at all.

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table by sie


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