hold my breath
Anderung opened her eyes slowly and turned in the direction of the voice. It had been soft, like the coo of a dove. The unusually gentleness of the sound made it so that Anderung didn’t turn sharply or suddenly, as she usually did when someone surprised her. She pricked her ears as she studied the black wolf before her. His fiery eyes caught her attention and she looked at them for probably a moment too long before speaking. "Yes, beautiful. The Moaning Woods. Its name deceives one of its beauty." The amber she-wolf returned the smile and took a step towards the male.

"I usually retreat here for some peace to do some thinking. How about yourself, sir? What are you doing out here on such a fine morning?" Meer blinked her violet eyes. Somehow, she had forgotten her cardinal rule. Never trust anyone. She shuffled her feet suddenly, and became a bit more aware of her surroundings. Anderung let her eyes scope the scene and take in all that was around her. She had been snuck up on many times in the past few weeks. "It’ll be the end of me.""Sry this is really late, I had to force myself to do it. v-v Life and stuff. sry."

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