Secret Enemy

Domonick's eared swiveled as he heard Tannin speak, "No, everything is fine." He kept his voice calm and collected, he didn't want Tannin to sense the anxiety in his voice. He was starting to have a knot his stomach and he didn't like it. He was uncomfortable and he wanted to get Adonia back to Phoenix Valley where it was safe.

He stood up and looked over at Adonia, "Okay, since you want me to not take it out, then I guess I'm gonna have to carry you." He walked up Adonia and bent over her, wrapping his arms around her, lifting her up, smiling gently. "Now, let's go, it's a ways back to the pack." He let out a laugh as he hoisted her up.

"Tannin, it was great to see you again, but I've gotta get her back to the pack." he turned his head slightly to look at him. "Listen, we'll see each other again soon, I'll make sure of it, we have a lot to catch up on, and maybe," Domonick paused slightly, trying to figure out how to choose his words. He didn't want to say anything unsettling, that feeling was already heavy in the air for him,"maybe next time we can talk about some things that you aren't mentioning." He turned his head, "Now Adonia, you want me to carry you like this?"

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