they will bite the hand.

The crickets in Texas are like, the length of my finger, fur srs man. Oh, btw, Yuki gets creepy when shes alone for too long, especially creepy when she gets to the point of wandering an old highway and talking to herself. (:

Yuki's tail hung just between her legs as the wolf dominate hybrid spoke of a home. "Home, huh?" It was a question she had been avoiding since she had left her family. A home was a place where you felt safe, protected, loved "Of that I have none." her words were cold, as she came to the realization of how they had came out she attempted to warm them up with some light laughter. "A home, is a place where your wanted. That is a place, for me, that I'm sure is much to far away to miss."

A familiar sound triggered her attention, the sweet chirping of her friend. As the tiny Tufted Titmouse landed beside her, she spoke with a cracked and lonely voice "I believe, that being in the presence of the ocean is as close to heaven as I'll ever get.." her voice trailed off, leaving out the words she couldn't bear to say. She pondered the chances of this person actually caring about a word she said. Her lips mumbled the familiar words she had once heard long ago to explain what she had meant:

"h'airr rin a kan a-he-ra,
h'airr rin a kan o-rhay-na?
E-a nno llow rro;
A rhee a mmay?"

They seemed to ring more true then ever. They words were of the Loxen language, not one that many used any more. "Mountains, solitude and the moon until the journey's end? The river holds the lost road of the sky; the shape of eternity?" She translated, her tail was now raised and wagging as Chip chirped praisingly beside her. She was in doubt that the creature would even understand what she was trying to say. "The ocean will pave the gateway to heaven.." she swallowed hard as she tried to finish her thought "Or hell."

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