Let the morning renew your soul

This was the first time he had been confronted like this, about his abilities as a leader. Many seemed unable to determine how to deal with the male that few months ago had been nothing more than a high ranked kid bumped up by his alpha-father. He couldn’t tell why Haku had steadily moved him upwards, but when the crown had fallen it had not merely been his former ranking that caused the golden prince to bend down and pick up the blood stained title. He had believed he could find a way out of tragedy and war, and he had. Here he remained, and life was good to Dahlia and its members.

A caramel furred ear flicked as Saluce’s reply sounded in the bright morning air. He had half expected this announcement, but to hear those words spoken out loud brought forth a glorious smile. He knew that the loner’s initial intentions had been to continue his travels. He would remain here willingly as a member of Dahlia. Lavender watched this gray companion. Conor did not forge an answer straight away, but his friend was not yet finished. The praise came suddenly, but it was greatly appreciated. The young male depended on Dahlias members to help him improve. He wanted their opinions, positive and negative views alike.

The Dahlian leader’s maw dipped low in quiet thanks for the kind words. A smirk rose to his lips as the blacksmithing shop was mentioned. If the male was serious about this, then that was a fabulous idea, truly! ”I want you to know that you don’t owe us anything. But if it is your honest wish to remain here in Dahlia, we’d be honoured to have you, Saluce.” He meant what he said. While the Alpha did not know Saluce particularly well as of yet, the other had already revealed his worth in numerous ways. He had even kept his sanity when the kids were on their worst.

”Tell me about this blacksmithing shop idea of yours. I’m genuinely curious.” It would be wonderful to use the city’s resources in ways like that. Conor had walked around with plans of his own as well regarding some of the abandoned buildings that were found everywhere. The house was full of puppies and other members. The Soul male was tempted to raid the city for medical supply and useful literature and gather it in one building. A hospital of sorts, he guessed.


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