Adieu to the Vast Horizon

It felt strange for Marcus to simply welcome a complete stranger into what he would now call his home. However, this new female felt oddly safe to him. In fact, this entire land felt safe to him. It was as if the entire area surrounding him was covered in a thick veil of peace and tranquility.

As Marcus head toward the boarding plank, he heard the female announce her name and title behind him. He had a moment of slight diffidence, wondering if she would want to join him or not. He then heard steps closing in behind him, and had his mind put at ease. "We'll stay anchored?" joked Anu, as she took her first steps onto the boarding plank. Marcus emitted a faint chuckle, and without adjusting his stride, proudly remarked, "Yes. For some time now, I imagine." He then sunk away into his cabin to check his tea box, and emerged naught but seconds later, finally making eye contact with his guest.

Looking into Anu's brilliant blue eyes, Marcus switched focus away from her surroundings and began to deduce her life. Eyes old with the burden of experience. Leader. Yes, she said that of herself. Second in command. Forehead slightly aged. Indicates harsh decisions in the past. Possible regret. Great power of command infers a possible banishment? Grey follicles indicate either age or stress. Age... Must be maximum 7. Rules out age for greys, therefore, only possible conclusion is stress. Banishment must have been a loved one, or someone of great value. His eyes shifted lower. Muscle density less than average. No signs of battle, no scarring, no burnt fur. Indicates no physical conflict in the past. His eyes moved again. Widened hips; indicates the giving of birth. Wide muscular patterns signify broadness of shoulders. Males. Estimate: 4. His gaze shifted a final time, back to her eyes, but before he continued, Anu spoke. "Where do you hail from, Marcus?" He suddenly remembered where he was, and who he was speaking to, but not without first giving a blank impression on his face.

He shook his head slightly from side to side, as if to shake himself free of a light daze. "Oh yes. Yes of course. I'm afraid I had completely forgotten. You have no idea who I am at all, do you? I do apologize. Yes, I suppose you do deserve to know at least my place of origin. After all, you did come to greet me." Marcus raised one finger, as if to say 'hold on', and slowly walked inside. He emerged with a teapot, already steaming, placed a bag inside, and started towards Anu. It then occured to him that she may have never seen tea before in her life, let alone a steaming pot. He attempted to reassure her, "Don't worry, this old thing isn't as ridiculous as it appears. It tastes wonderful once all is said and done." He sat at his stool, and placed the pot on a bulkhead, ready for later.

Sensing Anu's inquiring mind, Marcus began to explain. "I'm sorry if some of the places I mention don't make much sense to you. I imagine if I have only just now found a land such as this, then you won't have heard of my home in the least. Still, fair is fair" he began, "I was born in a place called Chiswick, in England. Throughout my life, I have travelled all over Europe. Eventually, I had traveled so far and so wide that I was made to leave my home and sail the sea. My journeys led me to a place called Iceland. At least, that's what my map called it. From there, I made my way here, and now, I'm sitting here with you." He looked at his teapot with a faint grin, pondering his next question's relevance. He looked up at Anu, smiled, and asked, "So, how are the puppies?"


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