right where it belongs
All of the odd looks, the snickers that no one wanted him to hear, they were now all for naught. Jasper had always known having something with wheels was a good thing, even if it was just a little red wagon. Waiting while his father situated Laruku into the wagon, Jasper coughed harshly, pressing the blanket closer in to his muzzle. At the motion of his father he followed, trudging forward and pulling the newly weighted down wagon behind them. The tears had dried up by now, leaving no threat of returning. The panic was gone from him because, even if they didn't have the best relationship in the world, he felt more secure with his father.

The boy was able to pull the wagon with more ease once they reached the road, following the direction of his father as he motioned for them to continue along. The smoke and flame was thinning out the nearer to the mountain that they got and, finally, they reached it. He glanced to Ahren once, then back to the burning lands, before continuing on into a dark tunnel, slowing some to be sure he could keep the wagon steady.


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