What's in the Fog?

Domonick shook his head and let out a small laugh, "Must have just been a small animal or something, nothing to be worried about." He turned around and started looking at the headstones once again. He stopped to mess with some bones that were protruding out of the ground, "I wonder what this place was like back then."

As he was stooped over, a chill went down his spine. He shivered and stood up, his ears perked up. He looked around the foggy graveyard, trying to peer past the sheet of fog that hung in the air. He squinted his eyes, his ears still perked, trying to make out anything in the fog, but all he could see were the headstones and the trees. He shook his head again and sighed, "You're paranoid. "

As he got up to look at more headstones, his ears twitched, he instantly went into a defensive position, thinking he heard a noise in the fog, he stooped down low, "Okay, now I know that I didn't make that noise up in my head." he said under his breathe. "Is anyone else here?" he hollered out, making sure anyone around would hear. He stuck low to the ground, looked around, sweeping through the headstones, "Hellooooooo." he said again, his voice barely above a whisper. He bit down on his tongue, slightly nervous about who else was in this area with him. He didn't know if it was another wolf, or just a random animal. Hell, he could even just be made up in his head. He let a smile form on his face, "It would be embarrassing if it turns out I'm just hiding from my own imagination."

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