The bright wolf
"It's sounds like a very nice tribe", She smiled, but with a saddened look in her eyes. She was to chicken to ask. She smelled the smell of herbs rise up into her nose, the sour scent about to make her sneeze. She ignored it though. She bowed her head. "Thank you for healing me. It was very kind of you to help a wanderer like me. I have wandered here from a far away forest, where my pack was. My pack was burned to the ground, and thats how i got my burns. My family died with it. I am sorry again to take your time, i must find a place to sleep for the night. Once again, thank you" She barked softly with great respect and thanks, but also saddness in her bark.
The smell of the herbs were getting to her nose. "Can i lick this off?" She asked the Dawali Amara. She shook her head. The scent of it made her want to sneeze so bad. She scratched her nose with her paw again, trying to get the scent out. Of course, nothing happened. She relized she proably looked kinda funny. She put her paw down quickly. She peered at Dawali again.

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