like a river runs to the sea

Xeris was fascinated by the concept of architecture. How could someone create something as elegant and complex as this building? And furthermore, how could it withstand the test of time for so long? Humans were such an interesting thing to think about. If only she could read, Xeris would try to find out as much about the former dominant species as she could. Her father would have punished her heavily for thinking such thoughts, but she dismissed this notion. That was the past, and this was now. She could be whoever she wanted to be. And right now, she wanted to be the one to explore this mansion. According to Pendzez, it had probably been around since the 1800s. Xeris wasn't sure exactly how long ago that was, but she figured it must have been quite a while from the wear on the building's walls.

She took her mate's hand as he helped her out of the small boat, and stepped forward onto the island. It wasn't far to the entrance of the great building, and Xeris' curiosity had soon led her to its doors. It was so much fancier than the family's own little cabin in the Valley. Whoever lived here must have been important. "C'mon," she said to Pendzez excitedly, as she pulled gently on the door. It gave a creaking sound as it opened, its hinges rusted and worn from the years gone by. Her golden eyes peered inside; there wasn't much lighting but she could make out a hallway and several rooms. "Where should we go first?"


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