not strong enough.
Skoll trudged with the weight of his massive friend across his shoulders, setting him down after he felt they were out of the range of the smoke. With pneumonia, Phoenix couldn't afford to be inhaling smoke...he had stayed as far ahead of it as he could. He had lost track of exactly how long he'd been moving...carrying Phoenix had definitely slowed him down. Skoll scouted around the immediate area where he'd first set Phoenix down, and found someone--obviously a victim of smoke and fire. A red wolfess he had never seen before.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern in his eyes, morose in the knowledge that his home of three and a half years had just been devoured behind him. He hoped his voice would illicit a response. Had Phoenix been shifted, he would have been beyond capacity just trying to carry him this far, but as things were he could add one more person atop his shoulders when he departed this place, searching for other survivors. He didn't know for a certainty if anyone had died in the fires, but he had been separated from most of the Storm evacuees, slow as he'd been both on two legs and while carrying Phoenix.

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