like a river runs to the sea

From Pendzez's description, it sounded like there was quite a lot of space to explore. He seemed to have a good idea of how to go about their mission, however, and she was thankful for that. Xeris nodded, and looked over toward the right side of the hall. "Sounds good to me," she replied, taking a few steps toward the closest room. There was no door in the frame there, and so Xeris walked right through it, eager to see what she could find.

The room was some sort of old parlor. Fancy furniture stood still in place on all sides, covered in a thick layer of dust. Xeris studied these human items carefully, amazed by their peculiar nature. While they were somewhat similar to the simple furniture back in the cabin, these things were, under the dust, more colorful and elegant. The white wolfess poked and prodded at fluffy cushions and throw pillows, marveling that the humans had been able to create such a wide variety of objects.

On the opposite wall was a door. Xeris turned the handle gingerly and it creaked open, revealing a room full of boxes and crates. Was this part of Phoenix Valley's emergency supply? She peered cautiously into one of the old wooden boxes, and found it full of large bottles. The bottles themselves contained some kind of dark-colored liquid. Xeris' father had told her, when she was young, of the "spirit drinks" that made humans into angry monsters and came in big glass bottles. She decided that this was obviously a human storeroom and not one of the Valley's, so she left, closing the door behind her. She then returned to the hallway and moved toward the next room. Perhaps she would find something in there...?


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