An Old Man's Quest: Part 1

The strangely familiar man's words rang wonderfully inside Marcus' head. Words from another life. Words from another world. It had been years since the last time Marcus had heard the Italian language, and it pleased him that those times were not completely behind him. The scarred man's voice brought back memories of a time long ago. Not a carefree time, and certainly not a time of innocence, but a time before action met effect, and before effect met circumstance. Marcus listened to the Italian man speak. His words made light the weight on Marcus' mind. His outstretched arm did even more. It was unexpected for a third generation pack member to use such civilized gestures. Not disturbing by any means. Just unexpected. Though it shouldn't have been. As the man had said, "Sono di Italia".

Marcus reflected his acquaintance's gesture, and gave him as firm a handshake as he could. It had been a while. "Well, as you've probably guessed, I'm not from around here" said Marcus, indicating his accent. "Britain. England. London, in fact." He stopped himself. A surprised tension shot across his scalp, and he continued, "Marino, you said?" A string of thought ran through Marcus' mind: Another Marino. Savina and Ehno. Savina and Ehno Marino. Had not expected more than one person with the same surname. Then again, had not expected surnames. Perhaps matrimony? No, civilization too primitive. Then again, handshake suggests civilized customs. Perhaps these 'Dreamers' have been underestimated? European customs may have diluted primitive nature. Bleeding effect. Time will tell. His eyes met Ehno's. No. No no no. Eyes tell a story. Free spirit. Roving. Only possible conclusion: siblings. Getting lucky with Anu's past had given Marcus confidence. He continued, "I have heard much about your sister, Savina." Marcus smiled, and thought of a job well done. The previous day, he had been rusty. Today, his deductions took only seconds. However, only time would tell whether or not his skills were still worth their trouble.


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