not strong enough.
Her coat was now a living bed of charred flesh and dead flame. Her pelt, which had always been associated with the colors of fire, was now the remaining pieces of her battle through the fire. Sighing softly at his touch, she just allowed herself to be fussed over and cared for. She relinquished all control and power to him, and they made their way down the mountain and little more than a snail's pace. She had a feeling her foot wasn't going to look the same when she healed up - hoping against hope that she managed to look the same when she saw the other side of this mess.

A few times, she almost slipped. Each time, he saved her. Looking apologetically at him because of her foot, she knew she needed more than just her own subtle luck to survive. Tristan was her savior in this moment, and when they finally got down the mountain she watched him, sighing softly. "Two of my daughters went out for a hunt this morning, and that's when I saw the fires from the mountain the time I found them, they were trapped was over." She said, dropping her gaze from his. "I just barely managed to get out myself...and I don't know where the pack is, or what to do..." She sighed softly, pressing her face into his chest. "I dont know what I would have happened to me if you hadn't shown up..."

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