Actions Speak Louder than Words

Yay for short posts due to writer's block -_-

It took several seconds, seconds that dragged on like minutes, before Parker was finally able to move on. Finally, though, she was able to focus her overwhelmed senses on her mom who was waiting for her a few yards away from the door. What was that stuff she was standing in? It was all over the ground, like a giant rug. She knew what rugs were because there were a few scattered around the manor. This didn't look like a rug though. For one, it was green. Two, it was shaped differently. Her puppish curiosity moved her to investigate this new surface immediately. Golden orbs focused on the the grass and Parker stepped out onto it, one paw at a time. It felt cool and wet beneath her pads, the long blades tickling her abdomen as she finally got the courage to follow her mother all the way. A big, excited grin crossed her face as Parker bounded towards her mother, her white-tipped tail wagging back and forth. This was fun, more fun than she could ever remember having in her life, though in all honesty that wasn't a very long time. For the cinnamon and sugar girl, though it seemed like a long time.

That was just life for a puppy, time seemed to just drag on, leaving lots of time for fun. It would not take long before her understanding of time changed and she realized that it indeed ran faster than she thought, but for now nature was content to let her have fun. Golden eyes focused up at her mother, awaiting the fun, learning experience that was surely ahead.

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