we have big dreams & big dream takers

fail short post is fail Sad

He was nearby as the familiar voice rose in an attempt to reach the bright sky. He was surprised to recognize it as Cambria’s and immediately started to kill off the little distance between him and the borders where the call came from. His feet were eager as they quickly moved through the colourful scenery. He had not expected a visit from her, but this was definitely a pleasant surprise. A smile was already in place when he approached the awaiting form dressed in warm chocolate brown. This was a brilliant start of a promising day, he was sure. White tipped tail waved behind him in lifted spirit and his form halted before her delicate figure. ”Cambria,” he simply greeted, the smile growing as he looked into turquoise orbs so different from his own unique colour.

He moved closer to give her a tentative nuzzle to accompany his greeting. She was a family member he highly appreciated and she needed to know this. ”I did not expect to see you here on Dahlia’s doorsteps,” he grinned contently, stepping aside to signal that she was free to enter beyond the borders, of course. ”It’s good to see you,” he added, words sincere and sparkling with his approval of this surprise visit of hers.

Table by Veronica

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