What's in the Fog?
OOC: =/ I'm sorry for it being so short.

Domonick continued to weave in between the graves, trying to find his mysterious playmate. He came to a halt between a headstone which at one point might have been topped off with a cross, but now was just crumpling into nothing. He thought for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. Where the hell can they be? They have to be here somewhere! He slammed his fist into the ground, swearing under his breath.

He shook his head and took off again, peaking around the corners into the new rows. He came to a halt and smiled, "Maybe if I wait and let them come to me." He tucked crawled over to an old, broken mausoleum, creeping through the destroyed door. He picked up an old broken brick and tossed it into the fog. As soon as he heard it hit, he ducked down low and smiled, "And now we wait."

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