M - Pull Me Closer to Love

*pets Mati* 300+

Embarrassment crossed her lover's face and Cambi couldn't help but wonder what was going on with the older fey. Mati hadn't acted like this since their feelings had first started and they had stumbled awkwardly together, both trying to find their way. Recently, everything had been fluid, and so this sudden change started questions to tick through the back of her mind. She did her best not to pay too much mind to her self conscious thoughts though. Surely nothing was wrong. If something were, it was more likely that the Nanny would be avoiding her instead of coming to her door. It still was so weird that she had asked if she could come in though. Whether it had anything to do with them or not, something was obviously weighing heavy on her mind and Cambria hoped that whatever it was wouldn't be kept from her for much longer. She didn't like not knowing what was going on in the Church woman's mind.

As they went fully into her room Mati looked around and when Cambria spoke again she seemed startled, as if she had been in some different place, far away from here. Despite her confession of being fine, it was clear to Cambi that she wasn't completely and she couldn't help it as her brows knit together with a soft concern. Teeth lightly nibbled the inside of her lip, a nervous habit inherited from her father. The more oddly Mati acted, the louder those questions sounded in her head and the more she began to wonder if something was wrong between the two of them. No, it couldn't be. Mati wouldn't be holding her hand if things were okay, right? The girl did her best to battle her insecurities, even as they gained strength.

She followed Mati to her bed, taking a seat on it right next to her. The violet eyed beauty looked deep into her face and she could feel her heart flutter with equal amounts of affection and trepidation. Finally she spoke again, saying there was a question that she wanted to ask. The returning smile did some to ease her worry. Cambi slowly nodded her head, urging Mati to continue. The utterance of her love made the younger female's own smile return, her cheeks flushing beneath cocoa fur. Her gaze bashfully glanced down to their clasped hands before looking back up into her lover's face. "And I love you." It always felt so good to say that, almost as good as it felt to hear it coming from Mati's lips.

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