These City Walls, They Hold no Love for Me
Great enough for my pup, though I guess we should make this class a little "quicker" =P

The canis was concentrated each symbol the feline marked in the soil as well as the sound they produced, he got a little confused when he noticed that the sound of the “A” and the “a” were the same, but after a while, Element explained the uses for the capitals in the different possible sentences that can be formed. BIOS understood and remembered each word, each symbol and it’s sounds (or unless their names) in the very first try, as I’ve told you in previous moments, BIOS memory was privileged among many others, something that even amazed his mother Moonglare when the pup almost completely learned to speak fluent Spanish with just few conversations and explanations. Some important aspect that allowed him to learn so much in his short life besides his memory was his curiosity, the dog tended to do several questions about anything he was interested in, and normally he would not stop until he was satisfied or there was no other option left. Element was not excluded from that tendency:

“Are capitals only used in these cases and not in other parts”
“Why capitals are used in names?”
“Can capitals be used in other things names?”
“Why are the capital “I” and the capital “l” so similar?”
“Why the letter “i” has a dot atop?”
“Why the capital “I” doesn’t have a dot atop?”

And so on… And It was still pendant to talk about special rules and sounds, like the case of the pain-in-the-ass letter “c” among many others. Unluckily, the day was limited for few questions (in perspective of BIOS), the sun was starting to hide in the far horizon and BIOS knew that the low light would make difficult to continue the lessons, also that it would be dangerous to return to the cave in the Shattered Coast all engulfed in darkness…

I’m really afraid… I can’t stay for longer…
Bad… I really enjoy all of your knowledge..!
But… Can I hope to find you here further..?
Or… Maybe I can share with you my ledge?”

BIOS asked a little bowed, he really wanted to continue learning to read (and hopefully write) along the cat. It would be great for him if he could continue some other day…

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