i'm exposed

Ember had been stopping for drinks as often as she could, but it didn't seem to be enough. She was dehydrated at the very least, from all of the vomiting. Perhaps that was part of the fainting problem. She knew that Naniko wasn't there and nodded when Jefferson reminded her of the fact. She had been told when the white wolf had left...how many months ago was it? She couldn't remember. She didn't really feel one way or another about it; everyone seemed to be moving on and moving away from these lands...why should Naniko be any different.

The support that the scarred leader gave to her helped a lot, and she leaned on him a little as she walked. With each step that she took the world spun, the path ahead of them beginning to twist and turn before her eyes. His question stabbed into her mind, filling it up for a moment. She calculated an answer as best she could. "I..I needed advice. I think I'm going to be a mother. But..I want to be the leader and be a warrior. But also..no, it's not safe for them. If there are pups inside of me, then being a warrior is not...the best thing. They could get hurt."


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